South Carolina Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
The program begins June 1 and runs through October 15, 2025
About The Program:
The South Carolina Department of Social Services, in partnership with CCNB and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, presents the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) – a seasonal USDA grant program providing qualifying seniors with access to fresh, nutritious, unprocessed fruits and vegetables from local farmers’ markets throughout the State. Those eligible will receive a total of $50 to use at participating locations. Applications must be completed IN-PERSON only at approved, local senior-serving organizations.
South Carolina’s SFMNP began in 2001 as a six-county pilot project. SFMNP has since evolved, currently providing benefits to seniors throughout South Carolina. The program provides qualifying individuals with checks/vouchers that may be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at local authorized farmers’ markets. Seniors must apply for benefits each year.
SC DSS is the State Agency that administers the program in South Carolina.
Eligibility & Benefit:
To be eligible for the SC Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program you must be 60 years of age or older on the date of application and a person who meets the required total household income before taxes. Total household gross income cannot exceed 185% of the federal poverty income limits. Potential recipients must reside in the state of South Carolina.
Click here for details regarding eligibility requirements.
Steps to Receive Benefits:
Step 1: Visit the DSS.SC.gov website for eligibility details. Potential recipients must attend a distribution event in their county of residence.
Step 2: Complete the application in person with the necessary proof of identification. Eligibility determination can consist of application approval, the application referred to a waiting list, or application denial. Proof of identity (valid S.C. driver’s license or state-issued identification card), must be shown in order to apply. Applicants must self-declare their annual gross income and household size whether applying jointly or individually.
Step 3: Once the application is approved, receive SFMNP checks at the same location. Proof of identity (i.e., valid driver’s license or state-issued identification card) is required to pick up SFMNP checks.
Authorized Representatives: Applicants may designate an Authorized Representative (AR) to apply on his/her behalf if the senior is unable to apply in-person. An AR may apply and pick up SFMNP checks on behalf of a maximum of two (2) individuals in addition to themselves. An AR must present their own photo ID, copy of the applicant’s I.D. (physical copy or image), and written/signed permission.
Step 4: Purchase fresh fruits & vegetables from authorized farmers.
Eligible participants will receive 5 SFMNP checks worth $10.00 each; for a total benefit of $50.00 that can be used at participating farmers’ markets to purchase fresh, locally grown produce.
Contact Info:
Visit SC DSS.org for participating Farmers’ Market Locations
Questions can be emailed to: SFMNP-Applications@dss.sc.gov
To use the S.C. Farmers and Roadside Market App, visit http://gis.dhec.sc.gov/farmersMarkets/
Nondiscrimination Statement
The South Carolina Department of Social Services is an equal opportunity provider.
Write to:
DSS Office of Civil Rights
P.O. Box 1520, Columbia, S.C. 29202-1520
Or, call:
(800) 311-7220
(803) 898-8080
TTY: (800) 311-7219