CCNB Advisory Board Members
Grand Strand Advisory Board Members
Jeff Casterline
Innovate Real Estate
Curtis Dukes
Blue Strand Real Estate Group
Drayton R. Honeycutt, CPA, CDFA
Owner, The Honeycutt Group CPA, PC
Todd Setzer
A&I Fire and Water Restoration
Carl F. Sloan, MD
Coastal Eye Group
James M. Spann, IV
Spann Roofing
Christopher St. John, PhD
Carolina Wealth Advisors
Conway Advisory Board Members
Brian Argo
CFO, Conway Medical Center
Joseph (Jody) E. Bryant
Billy's Plumbing Company
M. Reece Cofer, DDS
Coastal Carolina Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Brice H. Harry
Dargan Construction Company
Phillip L. Hendrick, Jr.
Fire Chief, City of Conway
Christy Holder
Grand Strand Water & Sewer Authority
Patrick T. Hooks, CPA, ABV
Smith Sapp CPA Firm
McKenzie Jordan
President, Chancel Construction
Blakely Roof
President and CEO, United Way of Horry County
Von Todd, CMA
Horry Telephone Cooperative
Aiken Advisory Board Members
Edward C. Brohl
W. Marsh Burckhalter, Jr.
Norman L. Dunagan
Dumpster Depot
Charles R. Fliflet
Charles R. Fliflet, CPA, PA
Charles V. Hartz
Dunkin Donuts
Craig S. Heath
Aiken Pest Control
Stephen Rawson
Gillam and Associates, Inc.
Donna J. Taylor
Meybohm Realtors
James R. Watts II
Family Pharmacy
Charlotte C. Wiedenman
Charlotte C Wiedenman, DMD LLC
Columbia Advisory Board Members
Robert Bolchoz
Robert Bolchoz, Attorney at Law
Micah Caskey
Caskey Law Firm, P. A.
Monica Gaddis, CPA
Bauknight, Pietras & Stormer, P. A.
Trent Gillespie
President/Endodontist at Wm. DMD MPH LLC
Larry Lucas
Larry Lucas, State Farm Agency
Heather McDonald
Five Points Association, Executive Director
Tombo Milliken
NAI Columbia, Senior Broker & Principal
Beth Well
USC, AVP, Donor Relations, Communications and Marketing